FUE Hair Transplant with Scalp Micropigmentation (SMP)

FUE hair transplant (Follicular Unit Extraction) and SMP (Scalp Micropigmentation). One of the key benefits of FUE is that since the grafts are individually excised one at a time the incision is very small and often imperceptible to the human eye. This allows the patient to cut their hair as short as they want with no visible scarring. 

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New study on the effects of 5 alpha reductase inhibitors and ED

Internet hype regarding medical issues that are emotionally charged (like autism and vaccines, etc.) should always be met with a healthy dose of skepticism.  Hair loss is one of these medical issues.  Decades of scientific research and reams of data seem to show this drug is both safe and effective.  And yet the Internet portrays…

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What is Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE)?

Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) takes grafts (follicular units) from the back and sides of the patient’s head individually. Dr. Wasserbauer will harvest an average of 1500-2000 grafts per session. The excision site scars are difficult to see even with the hair clipped very short. Dr. Wasserbauer has been a leader in the development of this…

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What Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) Device is Best?

Is it the paintbrush or the artist that creates a work of art? The same question can be asked about hair transplant surgical devices, especially when performing follicular unit extraction (FUE).  FUE is a technique where the donor hair follicles are excised one at a time versus the traditional strip harvest technique. The major advantages…

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Hair Transplant Journal

Recently a hair transplant patient of Dr. Wasserbauer’s shared his personal journal notes from his hair restoration experience. We hope you find some insight from his experience.

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