What is Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE)?

Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) takes grafts (follicular units) from the back and sides of the patient’s head individually. Dr. Wasserbauer will harvest an average of 1500-2000 grafts per session. The excision site scars are difficult to see even with the hair clipped very short. Dr. Wasserbauer has been a leader in the development of this technique and participated in the FDA trials for the ARTAS Robotic Hair Transplant System. Below Dr. Wasserbauer presents a long hair FUE hair Transplant procedure.

Comparison chart of FUT (strip harvest) and FUE


Dr. Wasserbauer performs strip harvest, FUE, long hair FUE and Robotic FUE hair transplantation and during your hair loss consultation she will discuss the various medical and surgical options with you and together you can determine the best long-term strategy for treating your hair loss and maintaining your existing hair. Call 925-939-4763 to schedule your hair loss consultation.