DIY Customized 3-D Printed COVID-19 Facemasks
You can create a 3-D COVID Facemask
Dr. Wasserbauer demonstrates how she made COVID Facemasks with her 3-D printer.
Special THANKS to Drew Dupont who created the original mask design and posted it on Thingiverse. Any comments or questions (and Thank Yous!) can be communicated to him at his email [email protected]
Important Note: This mask is not FDA approved. It is to be used as a filtration mask if/when N95 masks are unavailable. You should follow the policy of your hospital and the mask should be used at your own risk. Please do not share this file or the masks with others without making them aware of all information on this document.
The filter in the mask is positioned behind the front piece of plastic, which snaps on and off. One suggestion for the filter is that it can be cut to size from a Shopvac HEPA filter and can be replaced as frequently as needed. To replace filters, use the base of the mask as an outline on the filter material. Various filter materials can be purchased on Amazon. Again, these filters are not FDA approved or endorsed by the NIH, or the CDC. They should be used only when no other filtration mask is available.
If you choose to, you can wear the mask without the window seal in place. If you feel that the mask has a leak once you have the straps tightened around your head, the mask can be form-fitted to your face by placing the plastic in near-boiling water (190 F). This will soften the plastic for just a few seconds. When it feels comfortable enough to apply the hot mask to your face, press it firmly around your nose and cheeks. You may need to do this a few times before it feels like it is molded to your face. It isn’t recommended that you wear these (or any) filtration masks for prolonged periods of time, the mask should not feel uncomfortable on your face. You can use foam or silicone caulk as well for cushion if needed.
To decontaminate, follow the same protocol you would for your N-95 masks. Ethylene Oxide (Gas Sterilization) would work well. Also, the 3D printed mask can withstand temperatures up to 350 F before melting. Some have been placing the mask in the oven at 175 degrees F for 30 minutes after taking the front cap off. You can place the filter piece in the oven as well. No decontamination protocols have been lab tested with this specific mask or filter, however.
I would recommend getting a hood test done (if your institution offers this) as well as covering the front of the mask with a surgical mask when you are in an isolation room just as you would do with an N-95.