Phyllotex4 – a New Hair Supplement with Promise
We are often contacted by companies hoping to sell new supplements or hair care products purported to increase hair growth, and it is not often that we adopt them into our practice. You might have noticed a distinct lack of “products” on our shelves in stark contrast to other hair transplant practices. This is because we maintain a high standard such that any product should be scientifically proven before we “endorse” it by including it in our office.
To that end we have become aware of a new product called Phyllotex4. It has just recently become available in the US the ingredients in Phyllotex4 are on the FDA Generally Recognized As Safe list (GRAS).
We will be conducting a cross-sectional hair diameter/hair mass study over the next 6 months to evaluate if this new supplement creates the promised benefit for hair.
Our study will enroll 9 men and 9 women, who are not otherwise using any other treatment for their hair loss, and provide them with the product in exchange for monthly visits to measure their hair shaft diameter changes using the non-invasive HairCheck device and global photographs. Please note that hair must be maintained at 1 inch or longer AND patients must not otherwise be using any other treatment for their hair loss to be eligible to participate.
If you are interested in volunteering, please call the office at 925-939-4763 and ask to speak with Lindsay.