You Can Bank On Your Hair

Tissue Banking, Cell Multiplication, and HairClone

For the third year in a row, California Hair Surgeon has banked hair for the most patients.  There is no award for this.  We are just proud to be part of the process of moving this new treatment forward to full availability, and we are happy to report the regulatory process (EHA) is still expected to reach completion in the 2025-26 time frame. *

And speaking of moving these new treatments forward, HairClone (the company that is working through the regulatory process to be able to offer cell multiplication for hair treatment) recently received a UK grant to research using conditioned cell culture media as a direct-to-consumer topical treatment for early hair loss – which means that the barriers for treatment would be even lower.  We have our fingers crossed!

WHY is hair permanent on the back of the head but thins on the top?  The researchers at HairClone might have found the answer…

An additional result of the work this company is doing is one of the best hypothetical reasons why male “pattern” hair loss exists!1  For even the layperson – this is interesting information.  If you would like to read more about it, you can read the media coverage of this science in The Guardian and The Mirror.2,3

TISSUE BANKING DAYS – If you are interested in banking your hair tissue, we will be sending batches on April 29 and 30th and May 6th and 7th, which will allow us to reduce the cost to our patients by $250!  There are only 3 spots per day, so reserve your place ASAP.

*Once again, I own no stock in this company. – DrW


Cell Multiplication, Origins of Pattern Loss, and HairClone: