You Can Bank On Your Hair
Tissue Banking, Cell Multiplication, and HairClone For the third year in a row, California Hair Surgeon has banked hair for the most patients. There is no award for this. We are just proud to be part of the process of moving this new treatment forward to full availability, and we are happy to report the…
Read More‘We’re not making new hairs; we’re rescuing hair follicles’: could scientists reverse male pattern baldness?
By: Hannah Devlin | @hannahdev Sun 1 Oct 2023 05.00 EDT | Reprint from The Guardian The onset of hair loss can be devastating for some men. But research into experimental cell therapy is offering hope of keeping baldness at bay. Paul Kemp’s introduction to the issue of baldness came as a rude awakening while getting…
Read MoreWhat is the #1 Best Way To Get the Most Grafts in 1 Session?
Dr. Wasserbauer describes what surgical hair transplant technique is the most effective in harvesting the maximum number of hair grafts in a single session. Surprising to many, including some hair transplant surgeons, Dr. Wasserbauer will perform a “Hybrid Hair Transplant”, using both donor strip harvesting (FUT) and follicular unit extraction (FUE) to transplant 4…
Read MoreThe Ugly Side of the Hair Transplant Industry
In this video, Dr. Sara Wasserbauer – Past President of the Board of Directors of the American Board of Hair Restoration Surgeons and a Full Fellow of the International Societ of Hair Restoration Surgeons shares a presentation to the ISHRS that discusses the sad state of so much of the hair transplant industry and…
Read MoreHairgen AI
Ever wonder how you would look after a hair transplant? Get an idea of how you would look before having an FUE/FUT procedure. Disclaimer: This is a tool for visualizing what you might look like with more hair and is not an accurate representation or implied guarantee of your results.
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